Interactive Animations
This page is dedicated to interactive animations that are intended to help students understand the relationship between different elements of Mathematical concepts and results. These are some of the free learning resources I have created from scratch that can be used to learn important mathematical concepts. I will add more in the future so keep an eye on this page! By interacting with the animations students can understand better the guiding principles behind Mathematics. You will get the best animations if you play with them while using a PC or a tablet.
Have fun!
Explaining the intuition behind the definition of the derivative
During my teaching and tutoring experience, I have noticed that the formal definition of the derivative confuses the students and therefore they become intimidated by the derivative and never really understand the intuition behind it. I have created this interactive animation to replicate a successful way in which they understand the concept. My idea here is to lead them in a way in which they can discover themselves the need for the formal definition of the derivative, of course with some guidance from a teacher/tutor.
Guidance: Set the distance between A and A’, then press the reset button. Finally, press the play button to let point D move and draw a line. Decrease the distance between A and A’ and repeat. What happens?
Note: You can also play in a different order to discover a pattern. Write it down and explore.
Explaining the intuition behind the definition of the integral
Move around the points a and b. Move the slider n. What happens as n becomes greater?